Frequency Detective: Tracking a False Meme

People who know me and have visited my website, know I’m a  long-time user of sound and other types of frequencies for my health and that of my rescue cats. Less well known are the facts that I am a cancer survivor and an armchair (strictly!) detective. These attributes combined to set me on the trail of a false meme, to figure out how/where it was skewed. 

Why bother? Because it ticks me off. People are wary of frequencies as a healing method anyway. So they miss out on an untapped resource that works particularly well when caring for animals like my feral rescue cats who can’t be easily handled. Memes like this just make frequency remedies look more woo-woo.There needs to be more evidence-based research, not wishful, mystical memes. As well, cancer patients don’t need to be misled, they’ve got enough to deal with. 

There are different versions of this meme. They include underground views of the Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta, said to have served as a ritual space. Here is one view of that temple:

Different versions of the meme may be viewed on Google images.

The early versions of the meme suggest resonant acoustics and various frequencies were purposefully generated in that space to change the consciousness of the participants. I can buy that. Shapes create frequencies. Even the shape of space between Earth and its atmosphere creates a frequency known as the Schumann Resonance. 

The frequencies that have been measured in this temple room include: 68-70 hz, 110 hz, 114 hz. Articles suggesting 111 hz is a frequency in this temple mention Paul Devereux, do not actually say he tested that frequency in this location and no testing data is referenced. Hmmm. Did someone transpose 110 hz to 111 hz?

In addition to the temple resonant frequencies, the temple architecture itself would likely be psychologically imposing, and the repetitive rhythms sometimes used in ritual (audio, visual and tactile) could induce brainwave entrainment. All of these factors can contribute to a change in consciousness. 

The earlier versions of the meme mention only consciousness-changing properties in this space. But somewhere along the line something changed and was added. Later versions identify a frequency of 111 hz (hertz = pulses per second) and also mention  “the 11th harmonic”, and then proceed to claim the two kill cancer. This is where it all falls apart.

The “11th harmonic” can be the 11th harmonic of any frequency. You multiply your base  frequency by 11. So:

  • 11 X 111 = 1220   Which tells us 1220 is the 11th harmonic of 111.
  • 111/11 = 10.09090909 etc.  Which tells us that 111 is the 11th harmonic of 10.090909. 
  • 11 X any frequency = the 11th harmonic of that frequency. 

So you see, 111 hz IS NOT the 11th harmonic of anything except 10.09. Phrasing of some versions of this meme as well as some video descriptions on YouTube seem to imply “The Eleventh Harmonic” is a non-dynamic thing identical to 111 hz. It isn’t.

The thing is, none of the numbers from the above math exercise are anywhere near the extremely high frequencies science has documented as destroying cancer cells. Recent research uses frequencies in the range of 100,000 – 300,000 hz as described in this video about Dr. Anthony Holland’s research.

The full-length video about Dr. Holland’s research is here .

But since I believe scientific establishments don’t have/reveal all the answers, I wanted to check a more “grass roots” source. Some background here. In the 1930’s Dr. Royal Raymond Rife created the most powerful microscope that existed at that time. He then went on to build a radio frequency generator that could be programmed to broadcast different frequencies. Frequencies were delivered to the body by means of a “beam-ray” composed of gas in a glass tube. The “Rife Machine”, said to cure cancer, was praised then discredited by the medical establishment. Then his lab was ruined and many of his records lost, though some were said to have turned up later. But people began experimenting on their own with frequencies and equipment like Rife’s. Formal and anecdotal reports were archived and have evolved into the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL) maintained by Electroherbalism.

CAFL is ordered alphabetically by disorder. Frequencies that have been found helpful are then listed. However there is also a Cross Reference copy ordered by frequency. Referring back to the math exercise above 10.09 is not listed. Both 111 and 1220 show Human_T_lymphocyte_Virus3, T-lymph_virus_TR . This seems to be referring to retroviruses that attack the white blood cells and may cause leukemia or nervous symptom disease, the notation meaning that 111 hz and 1220 hz has been recorded by someone at some time as having affected these viruses.

Did the originator of the meme come across this information and decide that leukemia includes all types of cancer? Or did he/she not know how to spell leukemia so used the word cancer instead? One meme version states that “science has confirmed” that 111 hz  kills cancer. Which type of cancer? Where is the study? CAFL, venerable as it is, would not be considered science confirming anything. This is a do-it-yourself path. 

But I have a hunch about what happened here. There are some belief systems that involve numbers. Some believers find triple digits  or the same digit repeating multiple times to be of spiritual significance. Such believers may be happy to state or embellish their perceived significance of a number like 111, implying that their spiritual significance applies to everyone. In their enthusiasm, these believers may attribute more miraculous effects to their favorite number — like curing cancer, being involved with “the eleventh harmonic”.


It doesn’t work that way. Many years ago, speaking to a wise teacher about esoteric matters, I was warned, “Don’t confuse the levels”. I understand that to mean: Don’t confuse the inner world of symbols and synchronicities with the outer world of facts and physics. Do not imply physical-world connections that are not evidence-based. That does a disservice to others.

Beyond that, by all means, believers should carry on their personal conversations with the Universe through the symbols meaningful to them. I have experienced this type of personal cosmology with both individuals and groups. And I even know some frequencies that can lead to deeper exploration of personal meaning. Check out Awaken the Mind, Heartwave, and Silent Solfeggio.

Oh yeah, and if you see that meme out there, please put this link in the comments.

2 Replies to “Frequency Detective: Tracking a False Meme”

  1. Hi not familiar with you or all of your work but I believe there is more than meds my sons dog has cushings disease and it’s the brain tumor one what can I do to help her thank you for your time

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